Frequently Asked Questions
If you’re looking for information specific to fundraising, click on the Fundraiser FAQs below to learn more about how to promote your fundraiser, donations and other fundraising tips. Want to learn more about International Medical Corps and our lifesaving work? We’ve got you covered! Click on the International Medical Corps FAQs to learn how we deliver vital healthcare services and training to help communities devastated by disaster, conflict and disease move from relief to self-reliance.
Start Your CampaignFundraiser FAQ
- Are gifts tax deductible?
- Yes! International Medical Corps has received tax-exempt status as a publicly supported organization as provided by the Internal Revenue Code under section 501(c) (3) and the California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 23701 (d). Except when otherwise noted, all donations are 100% tax deductible. Our tax identification number is 95-3949646.
- How do my donors receive their tax receipts?
- International Medical Corps will send an emailed tax receipt to donors who choose to make their gift online. If a donor chooses to mail in their gift, International Medical Corps will issue a mailed tax letter within 4-6 weeks of receipt. If you require an additional receipt at any time, you can request one by emailing [email protected] or calling (424) 252-6008.
- What if I receive checks or cash?
- Checks and cash can be mailed to our gift processing center below. We also ask that you please complete the following Remittance form and include it with your donations.
Donation Mailing Address:
International Medical Corps – Gift Processing Center File 2156
1801 W Olympic Blvd
Pasadena,CA 91199-2156 - What should my fundraising goal be?
- We recommend starting off with a smaller goal and increasing as you fundraise! You can always change your fundraising goal in your user dashboard by clicking on the campaign name and selecting “change goal.”
- How can I promote my International Medical Corps fundraiser?
- Visit our tools page to access a variety of ready to use messaging templates and media resources that can be shared with your friends and family via email or social media.
- How do I make my fundraiser a success?
- Spread the word! Share your fundraiser with friends and loved ones by letting them know why you're passionate about fundraising for International Medical Corps. Get the ball rolling by making the first contribution to your fundraiser to inspire those around you to get involved!
International Medical Corps FAQ:
- What is International Medical Corps and what does it do?
- Founded in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps provides emergency relief to those struck by conflict, disaster and disease—no matter where they are, no matter what the conditions. We work with communities to help them recover, rebuild and gain the skills and tools required for self-reliance.
- How is International Medical Corps different from other nonprofits?
- International Medical Corps teams stay on the ground long after the crisis has ended, providing services, training and tools to help communities fully recover, regain their footing and move forward on the path to self-reliance. We focus on passing along the skills and resources that people need to be their own best first responders in the future.
- How much of my donation goes to International Medical Corps programs?
- 88 percent of donations go to support our programs in the field. Our efficient operations have earned International Medical Corps some of the highest possible charity-watchdog honors.
Still Have Questions?
Our team is ready to help! Please contact: [email protected] or call (424) 252-6008 for additional support.